Rosa Say, a leadership coach I admire, and her blog, Talking Story, are worth checking out.
One of her recent postings, Your Responsibilities: Joy or Clutter?, asked a question that really resonated with me:
When you consider all you do in your life, exactly what do you feel strongest about, in that you feel it is your responsibility and no one else’s?
The drive to do what we feel strongest about, what we personally feel responsible for – that’s what propelled many of us to do the work we do.
What’s uniquely yours to feel responsible for? And how do you act out this responsibility on a day-to-day basis?
Another of Rosa’s recent postings encourages us to spend time this month to clear out the clutter – the stuff that weighs us down. I know I’ll taking on this challenge this month, and following the conversation on this topic on her blog as well. By sorting through what is important, vital, crucial, to get done and discarding what’s unnecessary, we find clarity and access important energy for our life’s work.
Committing to doing what is uniquely ours to contribute towards – and letting go of what isn’t essential, of the clutter – what would be possible for you from such a perspective?
What would be possible in this world if we all acted on our own unique responsibilities?
Kākou in the Ho‘ohana ‘Ohana with ‘Ōpala ‘ole
You know what is amazingly wonderful? Just a few months ago I would not have dared to put that many Hawaiian words in a post title without definition. However today, there are so many of you who know exactly what