Say what you will about Oprah (e.g., self-help guru, brilliant marketer, philanthropist extraordinaire, ego-maniac), but I'm completely inspired by her transparency about revealing her weight gain, and the reasons behind it.
Even if you aren't a huge Oprah fan (I have a love/ignore relationship with her myself), check out some of the video on her website. It's really amazing as a leadership example, whether or not weight or emotional eating is a concern of yours.
My take-aways:
- We have to put ourselves first. Lesson #1 from CTI Leadership – you have to put yourself in the lifeboat first. If you aren't on your own schedule (exercise, meditation, sleep, etc), where are you? How can we be of service if we aren't taking care of ourselves?
- Related to the above, we have to fall in love with ourselves. If we don't, who else will? The ability and drive to serve is an expression of love, which in order to be sustained must first come from within.
- When we fail, as leaders will and do regularly, we must be willing to begin again. And again. And again. To take the risk and failure and transform it into learning.
I so want for Oprah and the rest of us in our own ways to really get this in 2009. In order to serve, we must first give ourselves ourselves as a gift, and be willing to being again, and again, and again, with love, compassion and great heart.
That's what I see Oprah doing. That's what I want for all of us.
Where are you beginning again? What might be possible from here?
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