Like many families, the tradition in my husband’s family at the Thanksgiving meal is to go around the table and have everyone to say what they are thankful for. For some it’s a way of highlighting the best of the past year’s events; for others, especially of the younger set, it’s a time to make a more immediate observation – "I’m thankful for the turkey!"
It’s a tradition, but one that hasn’t lost its meaning or its value. In fact, taking a step back to remind ourselves of what we are grateful for in our lives is a soothing balm for us all. In the midst of our busy-ness, our commitments, our accomplishments and our challenges, it’s good to stop for a minute or two and remind ourselves of what we have, what we’ve been given, and who and what we are thankful for.
Giving thanks is actually something we can do more often than once a year in November. It’s good for us, it’s good for others, it’s good for the issues we’re each trying to make a difference on.
So, this year, this week, today, right now: what are you thankful for? And how will you express it? Speak up, write a note, keep a journal. And as in many parts of life, it matters less exactly what you say or how you say than that you do it.