One of my first coaching instructors was a woman named Ilene Kouzel. As a co-leader in my first coaching training, Ilene was a big fierce heart, courageous and soulful, and she opened my eyes in new ways to what coaching could be. While I knew that Ilene taught many students, I felt a
connection to her, and I sent her a few emails after that first course, appreciating the ability to connect with such a powerful and dynamic coach who touched much in me. Not surprisingly, she was generous and kind in her replies to my enthusiasms as a beginning coach.
After I started this blog in May 2005, I connected with another coach who was beginning to explore blogging, Carol Ross. We chatted some about blogging platforms, linked to each other, and have stayed in touch via email. It was great to connect with a kindred spirit and colleague. One day, checking out Carol’s website, I noticed that Ilene was one of her colleagues. Cool, small world, I thought.
In Spring 2006, I received an email from Carol, explaining that a good friend of hers was dying. As part of their friendship and connection, Carol and her friend decided to collaborate on a series of interviews about about the friend’s process of consciously being, consciously leaving. What questions would you ask a dying woman that will help you live a better life, Carol wanted to know. I was touched and honored to be asked to provide input in this sacred project Carol was undertaking, and replied with my questions.
And then I went along my merry way… I’d been out of the habit of much blog reading until recently, when I checked back in with Carol’s blog and her project with her friend. Her dying friend, who turned out to be Ilene. When I met Ilene in July 2004, she had recently been diagnosed with ALS, and had just started to use a walker. Fast forward two years, and Ilene is dying.
I’ve seen before that we die as we live, and so not surprisingly, Ilene is still operating as a teacher and coach here in this phase of her life: still fierce, loving, courageous, and soulful in her approach to conscious living and now conscious leaving.
My own heart breaks knowing that this light will soon be leaving us, but I am grateful for the opportunity to have crossed Ilene’s path on this planet. I’ll always carry a bit of her with me as I journey on, and I am grateful. For a remarkable perspective on this one rare and precious life that we each get, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to meet Ilene, and Carol.
Update: I drafted this post for today over the weekend. I learned midday today, the 11th, that Ilene died on the 9th. I’ve decided to keep this post in the present tense, as it reflects in my mind the spirit of Ilene as ever-present and connected. Click here to read Carol’s beautiful post on Ilene, and her passing.